Cosplay, as you know, a phenomenon that arose in Japan – in the homeland of anime and manga, with which this costume action was originally inextricably linked. Naturally, no subculture can be transferred to another country without any changes.

Therefore, American cosplay also has its own characteristics. In general terms, cosplay is a costume game, or, more precisely, in relation to American cosplay, a costume play. In the American subculture, a lot of attention is paid to stage cosplay, the expression and disclosure of the chosen image through theatrical productions and its presentation to the public. Now What to look for while choosing the flash costumes cosplay?
Also in the framework of the photo cosplay, the disclosure of the image, characteristic poses and backgrounds, and subject shooting are welcome. In any case, cosplay in America has an acute thirst for perfectionism, both at the expense of the participants in the action and at the expense of rather sharp criticism present in the American subculture. Cosplay, on the other hand, is an interesting and vibrant hobby, and nothing can stop you from joining this fascinating world. You just need to approach the issue from the right side and initially tune in to a positive result. Well, of course, it is sensible to evaluate your strengths and capabilities. From Cossuits you get the best info now.
So, you are at the beginning of the journey.
Role selection
The first thing to consider when choosing a role is your type. Despite the fact that there are many tricks that can change your height, physique and facial features, the possibilities of the cosplayer are not unlimited. Therefore, approach the issue soundly.
- If you are a fragile and short girl with a pretty face, then you risk looking ridiculous in the role of a brutal macho.
- Character is also an important point of your choice. Try on yourself, for example, the images of a hot-tempered knight, a cute schoolgirl, a bitchy witch and think in which one you will be more comfortable, which you can express most fully.
- Remember that a suit can both mask your flaws and emphasize your merits – and vice versa. A chubby girl will look like a slender beauty in a corset dress with a full skirt, and a tight-fitting jumpsuit or short skirt will look much less profitable on her.
- So, evaluating yourself and your capabilities, you have chosen the most suitable and convenient option. Then go to the next item.

Suit, shoes and accessories
Despite heated debate about whether cosplay should be done by hand or not, I personally take into account all the options for making costumes and accessories. In my subjective opinion, the main thing is the result of your work. In any case, you are going to sew a suit yourself or order it by tailoring, you will have to make efforts.
Firstly, I personally do not recommend ordering a finished suit over the Internet or buying it in a store. Each person has his own parameters and features of the figure. If you sew a suit purposefully on yourself, you can sufficiently correct the flaws and create the desired silhouette. The exception is very simple things.